
you have options

Most sessions are Integrative, meaning we will combine modalities during your appointment to get you the best-possible results.

Ashiatsu/ myofascial Barefoot

Meaning “foot” (ashi) “pressure” (atsu), this modality utilizes overhead bars for balance so that the therapist is able to deliver deep, broad-pressured strokes through the broad surface of the feet. This technique helps soothe the client’s nervous system which in turn allows for deep relaxation, along with lengthening and hydration of the muscles and fascia. Results are typically longer-lasting than traditional “western” massages that use just the hands.

Myofascial techniques go beyond typical “deep tissue.” The pressure is slow, sustained, oblique, and high-tack contact, with the aim of stimulating a stretch response in the fascia associated with muscle (myo) tissue. This helps to facilitate length, hydration, detoxification and mobility in recipient's connective tissue.

Due to the slow nature of Ashiatsu, 90-120 minutes sessions are recommended. 60 minute sessions will focus on one body area only.

Sports massage/athletic recovery

Sports massage uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help your body feel freer and stronger. It is particularly great for those with active lifestyles. Improve recovery, performance, and bulletproof yourself against injury. Cupping and IASTM included. Kinesiology taping available in-session for $15 extra.

For 90 minute sessions, and or deep tissue pressure, Ashiatsu (barefoot) techniques will be utilized.

manual Lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart. Incredibly relaxing and often recommended by doctors in a series, post-operatively.

craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy uses gentle touch manipulation of your head, neck, and the bottom of your spine. Especially helpful for migraines/headaches and TMJ Dysfunction. Your neck, back, and hips will feel looser and freer. Deeply relaxing and restorative, this modality encourages your body's own healing wisdom. Clients remain dressed on the table and sessions last 60-90 minutes.

Stretch therapy/Athletic Recovery

Stretch therapy to the rescue! Wonderfully relaxing and a great way to recover from workouts, Laura will take your body through different ranges of motion utilizing a combination of massage gun, active stretching, thai massage, active pin and stretch, and barefoot compressive deep tissue work to find your best ranges of motion yet! Perfect for athletes looking to complement their workouts and sports massage routines. Clients remain dressed in comfortable yoga-type clothes on the table and sessions last 60 minutes.

add-on Services

(included with massage price)

IASTM in action


Cupping therapy is an ancient healing method that may ease back pain, neck pain, headaches and other issues (neuro-sensory pain modulation). It uses suction to pull on your skin and superficial layers of fascia to increase circulation to the affected area. It may also interact with your autonomic nervous system to via sensory receptors in the skin to relax overactive muscles. In sports massage, we can also apply cupping to help improve movement patterns and performance. Usually leaves circular marks on skin that fade in 3-5 days.


Hot stones

Hot Stone massage incorporates heated stones to apply heat to sore, achey muscles. A wonderful way to relieve pain and tension in the body. Incredibly relaxing. Please request hot stones ahead of time so they are ready for your appointment.


Hot Towels

Warm towels applied to a specific part of the body to relax muscles, increase circulation, and release tension. Especially wonderful on the feet or hands!


kineseology tape

Evidence-based taping of a specific body part for the purposes of pain mitigation, rehabilitation, edema/swelling management, scar mobility, postural management and proprioception. Lasts up to five days depending on daily activities and location of tape.


iastm (instrument assisted soft tissue modulation)

Also known as “scraping”, “gua sha”, or “graston technique”, IASTM is a super-effective manual therapy form of neuro-sensory pain modulation. IASTM tools are designed to be used with very gentle applications of force; aggressive techniques with heavy pressure are no longer required. Some redness in the area may occur post-treatment.


Hot Stone Massage

"Laura is by far the best Massage Therapist that I have ever had. I had planter fasciaitis and she helped me get through that and I am now able to run pain free! I feel like a new person after every massage!" 

- Steve G.
